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I am reading my kid The Hobbit at bedtime, and this feels like the most authentic and fun way to read it
in reply to silverwizard

We started with that and then proceeded through the Lord of the Rings. The kids loved it. Moving from that to Prydain is a bit of a letdown honestly.
in reply to Mason Loring Bliss

@Mason Loring Bliss this is making me realize I can use this as an excuse to start The Dark is Rising, a series I never read as a kid
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard Oh, absolutely. There's no better excuse in the world. Reading about it, it reminds me of a similar-sounding story I read when I was young, but I can't remember the name now. I'll have to dig around. Something that might help me find it was that it existed as of somewhere between 1980 and 1984.…